Every day, law enforcement officers throughout the country issue thousands of tickets for all manner of traffic offenses. Traffic or moving violations may not seem like a serious criminal offense in South Carolina, especially if you are a first-time offender. However,...
Traffic Violations
You can get a ticket for going too fast without “speeding”
You’re leaving work when a sudden summer rainstorm hits. You need to meet friends at a restaurant for dinner, but you stay within the speed limit because speeding would be unsafe in this weather. However, an officer pulls you over and gives you a ticket anyway, saying...
You should defend yourself against traffic violation accusations
There are numerous types of traffic violations that you could be accused of in South Carolina. Depending on the charges, you could face significant fines and even lose your license. Even if you’ve only been accused of speeding or another common infraction, you may...
Defense strategies that can help you fight a traffic ticket
If you are issued a speeding ticket, you may be inclined to assume this is a minor offense that you can take care of by simply paying the fine and driving off. However, it is important to understand that by paying a fine or skipping your court date, you may be...
Can you go to jail for speeding in South Carolina?
Most people understand that speeding is against the law and will avoid doing so. However, there are times when speeding may seem appropriate, which is why the majority of people will admit to have sped at least once time in their life. South Carolina has specific...
What kinds of violations lead to a suspended license?
You appear in traffic court after getting a ticket. The judge asks you about any driving violations you had before your current violation. You admit to several — your hearing ends with your driver’s license suspended. When you ask the judge how you are going to get to...
How do you reinstate your suspended license in South Carolina?
Whether you had too many points on your license or lost your license because of a DUI, it’s important that you don’t drive when you have a suspension. Suspensions are frustrating and inconvenient, but driving on one has the potential to lead to a longer suspension,...
Common types of traffic violation in South Carolina
Across South Carolina, many people use their driving privileges to carry out activities that are important to them. For instance, driving might provide the main source of income for a family. Furthermore, the ability to legally use a vehicle could be essential to...
An overview of the driving points system in South Carolina
Driving is a fundamental aspect of daily life for many people across South Carolina. Frequently, individuals use their vehicles to get to work, drop their children off at school or simply visit their loved ones. As a result, being cited for traffic violations can...
What will a traffic ticket cost you?
When the police hand you a traffic ticket, you can look up the fine amount online. However, that does not tell you everything. Many people choose not to fight traffic charges because they think they can handle the financial penalty. Yet, a traffic ticket can have a...