Most people understand that speeding is against the law and will avoid doing so. However, there are times when speeding may seem appropriate, which is why the majority of people will admit to have sped at least once time in their life.
South Carolina has specific speed limits around the state that state how quickly you can go without being stopped. Rural interstates are the quickest roads at a maximum of 70 mph, while residential areas are the slowest at around 30 mph.
It’s important to know the speed limit whenever you’re driving. If you don’t see a sign and are on a paved two-lane road, most people say it’s safe to assume that the limit is 55 mph, but unpaved roads are only 40 mph.
There are maximum and minimum speed laws in South Carolina
You can go too fast or too slow in South Carolina. No one is legally allowed to drive faster than is reasonable or prudent in the conditions. They are also not able to drive so slowly that they impede traffic. Those who are going slowly need to be in the right-hand lane or as close to the edge of the roadway as possible so others can pass.
Speed detection device variations and other variations in machinery, vehicles, tire size and other factors mean that it’s not common for officers to pull people over when they’re going around 5 mph over the limit. However, as your speed climbs, the risk of being pulled over increases, too.
Penalties for speeding can include up to 30 days of jail time when you’re a first-time offender. You could also have your license suspended for up to six months and be fined up to $445.
Knowing that the penalties have a potential to be severe, it’s extremely important that you watch your speed while driving. If you need to speed due to an emergency or other important reason, it may be possible to defend against the traffic citation even if you did break the law. In other cases, it’s worth checking for ways to get out of the ticket, so you can minimize the risk of penalties.
Call an experienced traffic ticket attorney to learn more about your rights and how you can fight back against an unfair citation.