Most people don’t realize it until it happens to them, but you can lose your South Carolina driver’s license if a law enforcement officer believes that a medical condition (mental or physical) may make you unfit to drive. They will leave it to your doctor and...
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Greenville Criminal And Traffic Law Blog
An ankle monitor can be an alternative to a prison sentence
With the overcrowding in jails and prisons and the high cost of incarceration for cities and the state, South Carolina judges sometimes approve the use of ankle monitors (or “bracelets”) as an alternative. The monitors contain GPS technology so that authorities can...
5 reasons you may want to contest a traffic ticket
If you receive a ticket for an alleged traffic violation, there is always a chance that you will be able to successfully fight the charges in court. Even minor traffic violations can have serious consequences, so it's always worth considering defending yourself...
How can you defend against assault charges after a bar fight?
Alcohol is a known disinhibitor, meaning it makes it easier for people to go from thinking about something impulsive to actually doing it. Your better judgment may not be as strong as normal when you've had a couple of drinks. There's a reason that alcohol is often...
Fighting a speeding ticket in court vs. paying the fine
No matter how careful drivers across Greenville are, they may still get a speeding ticket, sometimes for going only a few miles above the limit. A speeding ticket adds points to a license in most states, and too many points could result in the loss of driving...
Will a drug conviction cost me my financial aid?
In South Carolina, as in the rest of the United States, a drug conviction might cause you to lose your college financial aid. However, whether that applies to your situation is a tricky question. Each case is different, so avoid making assumptions without...
Identifying bias in potential jurors
Jury bias has been the subject of fierce academic and legal debate in South Carolina and around the country for decades. Jurors walk into the courtroom with unique life experiences, opinions and beliefs, which can lead them to interpret what they see and hear in...
Prison nurse accused of bringing drugs for inmate
The South Carolina Department of Corrections recently reported that a nurse was charged for bringing illicit drugs into the prison where she worked. The 53-year-old woman worked for Kirkland Correctional Institution, which is a maximum-security prison. According to...
Do you need to disclose your arrest record to an employer?
When you apply for a job in South Carolina, most employers will ask you to sign off on a background check. If you have a criminal record, you might be hesitant to share your record with a potential employer. Do you need to disclose your record to get the job? Are...
South Carolina prison nurse charged with drug possession
A 53-year-old South Carolina woman who worked as a nurse at a maximum-security prison in Richland County has been charged with smuggling drugs into the facility. The woman was taken into custody when Diazepam and oxycodone pills were found on her person, according to...